Thamnocalamus tessellatus
This is the only species of bamboo native to South Africa, where it is found on hillsides up to 2,500m. above sea level.
Ideally it should be grown in an open position with good air circulation. It is wind tolerant and has survived temperatures as low as -20C. It is also more successful than most other bamboos in dry situations. Probably taller and more successful in the south.
Forms a fairly upright clump of
around 4 to 6m., slightly resembling Chusquea culeou.
New culms are pale green with white sheaths. The appearance
of established clumps can be greatly improved by thinning the older culms.
An interesting collectors' plant and a useful windbreak.
Unsuitable for growing in containers.
Limited availability.
Whitelea Nursery, Tansley, Matlock, Derbyshire. Telephone: 01629 55010
Updated 16/122017